What are the Causes of Low Sperm Count & How is it Treated?

One of the major causes of male infertility is low sperm count. When it comes to the reasons for low sperm count, fertility experts will tell you that several factors can come into play, such as lifestyle choices, obesity, genetic disorders, and many more such problems. While you can manage some of these problems with medication and make proactive lifestyle changes, you will find that improving your sperm count might need the help of fertility experts.

What is Low Sperm Count?

A healthy male will have 15 to 200 million sperm per millilitre of semen. If your sperm count is less than 15 million sperm per millilitre or 39 million sperm per ejaculation, you suffer from a low sperm count. This will make it difficult for you to impregnate your partner.

What Causes Low Sperm Count?

There are several causes of low sperm count, the most important being lifestyle choices. For example, if you are a heavy smoker and you drink regularly, this can affect your sperm count regularly. Studies have shown that 23% of men who drink and smoke regularly suffer from infertility issues and low sperm count. Some of the other reasons for low sperm count are as follows:

  • Hormonal disorders such as low testosterone levels can lead to lower sperm count. If you suffer from hormonal disorders such as thyroid problems and adrenal gland issues, your ability to produce sperm will be impaired, and this, too, can result in low sperm count.
  • Genetic disorders, such as Klinefelter’s syndrome, can result in low sperm count. Other genetic syndromes which can lead to low sperm count include cystic fibrosis, Kallmann’s syndrome and Kartagener’s syndrome.
  • During foetal development, if your testicles fail to descend from the abdomen to the sac, it can result in infertility and low sperm count. Undescended testicles are a congenital issue affecting nearly 2% of male infants worldwide.
  • If you have undergone inguinal hernia repairs, scrotal or testicular surgeries, prostate surgeries, and extensive abdominal surgeries, these can affect your ability to produce an adequate number of sperms. Here, it would help if you discussed with the doctor if further surgery is necessary to reverse the problem and handle your infertility problem.

Male infertility and low sperm count can prove to be difficult for a couple looking to conceive. Twenty million per millilitre of semen is a good sperm count for pregnancy. If you suffer from low sperm count, it is best that you consult a renowned urologist and then opt for the best IVF treatment. This will make it easier for you to conceive and become parents.

Symptoms of a Low Sperm Count

When it comes to low sperm count signs, the easiest way to detect it would be to check your sex drive and your ability to maintain an erection. Since it can become a significant medical issue when you are trying to conceive a child, it is essential to consult a doctor and discuss your problem. Some of the other low sperm count symptoms are as follows:

  • If you have pain and swelling in the testicular region, it will result in a low sperm count. It can be an infection, and you must treat it immediately.
  • Men tend to have significant facial hair. However, if you have less than usual facial hair and display symptoms of hormonal abnormality, these are symptoms of low sperm count.

The most important thing to remember is you and your partner have been trying to conceive naturally for more than a year, and you are yet to become parents; the cause can be low sperm count. If your partner’s menstrual cycle is regular, then there are chances that you suffer from male infertility issues, and it is best that you make an appointment with a fertility clinic. The experts can guide you regarding the best oligospermia treatment, or you can opt for IVF.

What Does Low Sperm Count Mean?

This means that per millilitre of your semen, you have fewer sperm than the average. This will make it harder for you to become a father, as impregnating your partner will become complex. Sperms must survive within the uterus for up to 5 days. However, for successful fertilization, the sperm must be viable and reach the eggs. Not all sperms can fertilize the egg, which means fewer sperms lower the chances of fertilizing the oocyte. Hence, low sperm count can mean the inability to make your partner pregnant.

Low Sperm Count and Male Infertility

According to studies, 40% to 50% of infertility cases are related to male infertility, and among these, 2% are caused by low sperm count. When it comes to male infertility, low sperm count is one of the most treatable. The only issue that doctors are facing nowadays is that the low sperm count issue has increased significantly in the past few years. The average sperm count dropped by 51.6% from 1973 to 2022. Thus, low sperm count is directly related to male infertility, but it is a problem that you can manage through medication and IVF treatment.

Treatment for Low Sperm Count

The first step in oligospermia treatment is to make lifestyle changes. You must stop drinking and smoking. If you are overweight or obese, then weight management is essential. If your doctor has prescribed medicines, you must take them as per the doctor’s advice. Finally, the doctor might suggest surgery if you suffer from blocked sperm ducts.


You will find that male infertility related to low sperm count is an issue that you can manage with suitable medication and counselling. The first thing to make the process successful would be to make an appointment with a renowned IVF clinic to identify the problem. Abha Surgy Centre is the best IVF Centre in Kolkata.

The clinic checks the reproductive health of both you and your partner to evaluate the root cause of the problem. Sometimes, IVF treatment is the best solution in case of male infertility. With the support of a reputed IVF centre like Abha Surgy Centre, you will find that becoming a parent will no longer be a distant dream.

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